West Medicine Wheel Class a Success: Thanks Otorongo!
We gathered to work with the Ancestors and with Otorongo, Mother Sister Jaguar. On the first day of class a group altar to our Ancestors was created, and people kept adding mementos, books, china, and photos on the second and third day. In the West we shed what binds us to our Ancestors, and by honouring them, and raising them up, we allow them to be free to be themselves. They don't hold us in place, and we don't hold them in place either, we are free to live our lives, and they are free to go on in the spirit world. Otorongo, Mother Sister Jaguar, helped to mulch any the heavyness associated with our Ancestors.
The Pampamesayok Rites were given outdoors. What had started out as a windy afternoon became much stiller for the ceremony. Welcome, new Pamapamesayoks, Earthkeepers, Custodians of this beautiful blue planet!