Spring Cleaning Ceremony Pictures
So a lovely outdoors ceremony of burning herbs and incense on a large coal-filled brazier as the sun was going down. We were all invited to clean our chakras and our mesas, taking out old debris and mementos, thanking them for their support and lessons, then calling in what we wished for.
A few moments were spent marking the end of this 19 year period between eclipses (what *was* I doing 19 yers ago? What were my hopes? And what are my goals for the next 19 years?)
Inti Tai Iai set beautifully as the cermony ended, and the mosquitos were thoughtful of the cedar, sage, myrrh, frankincese, to name only a few of the things burned on the brazier.
This morning's sunrise was a kaleidoscope of colour for new beginings. Thank you to Sonya for the first of the Wild Card New Moon group ceremonies!