East Class Third Day: Welcome Full Mesa Carriers!
This morning we went down into the Elora Gorge and did breathing meditation near the caves along Irvine Creek. Powerful place and powerful meditiation. Kurakakuyak Rites were given here by the water, witnessed by the limestone walls and the caves. So beautiful, rites given outside have a special energy to them.
Walking back out of the Gorge, we returned to the workshop site, and reviewed the take-home processes, so the left side of the brain, the organizing side, feels attention is being paid to it. Most of the morning has been spent in the realm of the right side of the brain, the creative, poetic, intuituve side.
A burst of transformation, and three stones that have been in the sand painting become East Kuyas, medicine stones. Now we have five new Full Mesa Carriers to welcome. And how they have changed and grown over this Medicine Wheel, letting go of what does not serve, and welcoming in the new world they are dreaming into being!