About Us
We are 10 minutes outside of Elora, Ontario, Canada. Call us at 519-669-2016.
Linda Ludwig

Linda knew she had a purpose in life from the age of 3, after experiencing a near death from a ruptured appendix. This also instilled a sense of ease around death… a comfort with it knowing that there is something more….
Her search for this purpose took her to many places and many courses. She spent 5 years in Alberta and traveled to Europe a number of times connecting to the mountains, the Rockies and the Alps. This was very profound for a gal who grew up in southern Ontario with the beautiful Great Lakes but with land that is very very flat. Linda spent 2 and half years in Japan, in the view of Mt Fuji, this volcano rising up so dramatically. She was also struck by the beauty of the simple style of Japanese design, architecture and ceremony in the many Shinto shrines. Whether a tea ceremony or a girl’s day ceremony, this spoke to her soul. It was here that she was introduced to Buddhism. In Scotland, she was captured by the ancient traditions and wisdom that vibrated from the wild places, standing stone circles and cairns.
Over the years, her search took her to journeying and visualization classes, Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, mindfulness meditation and yoga. All were very valuable, but she knew she was ‘home’ when she heard the opening of sacred space in a Four Winds shamanic training class. Within the first few moments, this perfect union of ancient wisdom, journeying, stillness, ceremony and earth-spirit connection, spoke deeply to her soul. This sense of home only deepened when she went to Peru- after dreaming about going there since the sixth grade. She has been there a few times since then, always on sacred journey to the mountains she loves.
Linda has always done work connecting with people. In her younger days, she volunteered at hospitals and continues this work today, with her local Hospice. One of her first jobs was teaching art to children, and teaching remains a true passion for her. This first experience was followed by teaching kindergarten, then English as a Second Language, massage therapy and now shamanic training.
She maintains a practice as a Registered Massage Therapist and Shamanic therapist near Elora, Ontario. She is a graduate of the Four Winds School, with a certificate in Energy Medicine, as well as completing many of their Masters classes such as Mastery of Time, Advanced Divination, Advanced Soul Retrieval and Munay Ki.
She is has completed the teacher training for Dying Consciously: The Greatest Journey and recently, was part of the first Four Winds Inkan Medicine Wheel teacher trainings. Linda is one of only 2 people in Canada (only 10 people in North America) licensed to teach the Medicine Wheel program. She assists with Light Body classes and is especially excited to assist with the Children Medicine Wheel program in Peru in 2012.
Along with Fiona Rattray, Linda shares fire ceremonies, despachos and classes on her 23 acre rural property and in her local community, building connections to spirit, the planet and each other.
Fiona Rattray

Connected to Celtic ceremonies of Equinoxes, Solstices and Full Moons since she was a teenager in the 1970’s, Fiona took part in and created ceremonies to mark the seasons of the year. Her mother’s spirituality was nature, the outdoors, the plants and birds, which fortunately she passed on to her daughter. As a child, Fiona was drawn to rocks and minerals. This interest was heightened by her dad’s trips to mining camps in Northern Ontario, and boxes of mineral samples sitting around the house. She became aware of the energies in the ground below her feet, and noticed where the earth feels healthy and light.
One of Fiona’s skills is the ability to remember and perceive patterns, facts and things in nature, so much so that some friends call her ‘Encyclopedia Fionica’. Since 1998, she has been an avid scuba diver, in warm and cold water. Being held by the water and watching the sunlight in the water column is a spiritual experience for her. Three places she wants to dive are Antarctica, Truk Lagoon, and Scapa Flow.
In 1983 Fiona graduated as a Registered Massage Therapist in Ontario. For 11 years, she taught in a two-year professional training programme in Toronto for massage therapists, and co-authored ‘Clinical Massage Therapy, Understanding, Assessing and Treating Over 70 Conditions’ with Linda Ludwig, published by Talus Inc. Fiona also has many years of teaching workshops under her belt.
Three years ago, she heard about Munay-Ki, and was irresistibly drawn to these rites of initiation that are taught by graduates of the Four Winds School. After watching Linda Ludwig go through the shamanic training, Fiona found that the integrity and the thorough, well-planned courses that the Four Winds provides was a win-win situation.
She currently maintains a practice in Energy Medicine and Registered Massage Therapy near Elora, Ontario. Fiona is a graduate of the Four Winds School and holds a certificate in Energy Medicine.