Munay Ki
Munay-Ki means “be as thou art” in Quechua. In these changing times, many of you have been feeling a longing to make a difference in your life and in the world. Rites of passage have been practiced for millennia by peoples around the world. The Munay-Ki rites are based on traditions of indigenous Inka healers—the Laika—of the Andes and Amazon regions in Peru. The Laika felt that people would come to these initiations when they were ready and felt a calling to do so.
The Munay-Ki are nine energetic transmissions that work with you to clear your energy field, allowing it to shine with its original luminosity. They create balance within yourself and your life. They are also about stewardship, bringing a sense of harmony to your community and the world. The rites are offered in English and in the beauty of the original Quechua language.
The Classes
To allow for integration of the rites, we offer them (2 1/2 hours per session) over nine weeks, or over three weekends (3 - 8 hour sessions). Classes include learning how to open environmental and personal Sacred Space, background and organization of the Munay ki rites, the meaning of each rite and its transmission (in ceremony) and how to integrate the energy. There will also be a Fire ceremony and a Despatcho ceremony. An optional class will be offered for those who wish to share the rites with others. The Inka healers who passed on these rites point out that they are to be shared.
Linda and Fiona have received these rites many times, including from the shamans in the mountains of Peru, where they were first transmitted. They both received training in teaching the Munay Ki from Alberto Villoldo and Marcel Lobos in Chile.
We would love to bring this workshop to your area. Contact us for details: Cost $285.
About the Rites

Alberto Villoldo, PhD, writes, “As you experience the Munay-Ki you’ll feel the presence and sense the wisdom of the [Earthkeepers], luminous ones who have broken out of linear time and now dwell in sacred time, in infinity, free from the grip of karma and rebirth. The Munay-Ki will clear your luminous energy field (LEF) of the psychic sludge left by past traumas. As you raise your level of vibration, these luminous beings will come to you and guide you. Connect with them, and you’ll be able to recall stories that you never experienced directly, but that are now yours. You’ll remember sitting around a fire with the buffalo behind you, and meditating in a stone temple above snowline.”
“As you receive the Munay-Ki, your chakras will become clear and you’ll acquire what the Laika call the rainbow body. This is when your chakras glow with their original radiance. Remember that when they’re shining with their original colour, they emit the colours of the rainbow. When they’re dulled by trauma from this and from pervious lifetimes, our LEF acquires a grayish hue and our chakras become pools of psychic sewage. Once we acquire a Rainbow Body, the luminous Earthkeepers can reach out to us because they recognize that we share a common vision and calling. They will come to you when you invite them and are ready to receive them…supporting your effort to bring a bit more light and healing into the world.”
Foundation Rites
Hampe (Healer’s Rite) connects you to a lineage of luminous healers, who come to assist your personal healing and transformation. It awakens the healing power in your hands.
Kawak (Seer’s Rite) pathways of light connecting your visual cortex to your third eye and heart chakra. It awakens the inner seer and your ability to perceive the invisible world of energy and spirit.
Ayni Karpay (Harmony Rite) transmission of seven archetypes into the chakras. These are allies that are received as seeds. Individual ceremony must be done to nurture and grow these seeds. Once developed, these archetypes help to combust and clear sludge in the chakras, that they may shine with their original light.
Bands of Power and Protection Five luminous bands woven into your energy field for protection. They act as filters, breaking down heavy energy that comes towards you, into one of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, spirit). Instead of making you ill, these heavy energies are transformed into nourishment for your energy field. These bands are nourished by being in nature.
Lineage Rites
Pampamesayok (Daykeeper Rite) connects to the masters of the ancient stone altars found in the sacred sites in the world, from Stonehenge to Machu Picchu. Daykeepers call on the power of these altars to heal and bring balance to the earth. This rite heals the inner feminine. It also allows one to step beyond fear and practice peace.
Altomesayok (Wisdomkeeper Rite) connects to the luminous teachers from the past and the future. It is associated with the high sacred mountains around the world and protection of the medicine teachings in these ancient peaks through the ages. This rite heals the inner masculine. It also allows one to step outside of time and taste infinity.
Kurakakurak (Earthkeeper Rite) connects to the archangels that are the stewards of all life on the earth, and guardians of this galaxy. This rite connects you to the stars, and our local star, the sun. It helps one learn the way of the seer and of dreaming the world into being.
Rites for the Time to Come
Mosoq (Starkeeper Rite) anchors you safely into the time after the great change, on or around 2012. Your physical body begins to evolve into homo luminous; as your DNA is reinformed there is a slowing down of the aging process and better disease resistance.
Taitanche (Creator Rite) awakens the creator-light within and brings forth a sense of stewardship of all creation from the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of galaxies in the universe.